Wings on Fire Gameplay – JUST ANOTHER FLYING GAME!
BigAppleBuddy website:
Attention if you use Promo Code ANDRE on your checkout you get 10$ Off your first order!
Wich will also help me grow and get better equipment!
How to use the code?
Go to any item you want to buy go to shoping cart then
click check-out…
When you choose delivery location&city
Big Apple Buddy Ships Globaly to over 100 countries!
Scroll down to Promo Code?
and type ANDRE for 10$ Off!
Mystery playlists:
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Be sure to read #rules
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Simple Rules!
1. Be nice to everyone!
2. Being rude (this includes attacking someone based on their gender,skin colour and etc)
2.1 – No Racism,hard words will be permabanned from commenting here!
3. Any insult attacking me or a viewer no warrning just insta Ban!
(Likes&Dislikes if disabled questioning it will get you Banned as well)
4. Spam results in instant ban as well!
5. No self advertising unless i do it for you (if you deserve) removing comment,2nd time is a BAN(this includes begging for subs).
6. Politic related conversation will be hidden instantly!
7. No level request (Geometry dash related rule)
8. Breaking 2 Rules is instant BAN regardless!
9.Comments unrelated to the video/post currently being viewed. (Hiding users Instantly)
(Rules also apply on Streams&Community tab on my channe and membersl!)
Default language is English you can comment on other languages but make sure you can translate to us so everyone can understand thanks!
If you are a developer or sponsor contact me:
[email protected]
Q:Where are you from?
Q:Is it cold where you live?
A:Yes around -388°F or -233°C
Q:What is your hobby?
A:Sport,going out&hiking
Q:Do you like games?
A:Yes (Wish i could play them all)
Q: What screen recorder you use?
A:DU Screen Recorder&AZ Screen Recorder
PC:Open Broadcast Studio (OBS)
Q:Why do you record on your phone?
A: Beacuse i like it!
Q:Will you ever record a PC game or a console game?
A: When times get better surely i will!
Q:Wich youtubers you like?
A:I watch everything i have a taste for random content.
Q:Do you use Twitch?
A: No
Thanks for watching!