Top 5 | Must Have | Flight Simulators 2020 Part 1 -

Top 5 | Must Have | Flight Simulators 2020 Part 1

Aus Flight Simmer
Views: 226951
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In this weeks Top 5 Must Have video, we take a look at the top 5 flight simulators for 2020. How did the flight sim’s perform in 2019 and what the future lies ahead in 2020.

✈️ Special Thanks ✈️
The Flight Sim Deck:

🔥🔥🔥 Need a new Flight Sim PC? Check out the new line of Aus Flight Simmer PC:

(When available, we use affiliate links and may earn a commission!)

Recommended Flight Sim Gear:
✈️ Logitech Extreme 3D: (Amazon)
✈️ Thrustmaster TCA Sidestick: (Amazon)
✈️ Thurstmaster T-Flight Hotas One: (Amazon)
✈️ Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog Flight Stick: (Amazon)
✈️ Logitech X52 Flight Stick: (Amazon)
✈️ Honeycomb Alpha: (Amazon)
✈️ Xbox Controller: (Amazon)

Premium Flight Sim Controls: AUSLIGHTSIMMER10 10% Discount
✈️ Yoke (YOKO+) ✈️✈️
✈️ Throttle 1 (TQ6+) ✈️✈️
✈️ Throttles 2 (V3RNIO+) ✈️✈️
✈️ Rudder Pedals (RUDDO+) ✈️✈️

Recomended VR Flight Sim Gear:
✈️ HP Reverb G2: (Amazon)
✈️ Oculas Rift S: (Amazon)

Microsoft Flight Simulator Box Edition:
✈️ Standard: (Amazon)
✈️ Premium: (Amazon)

Want to be a pilot?:
✈️ GoFly Online:


MERCH ✈️✈️ ?


✈️✈️ Aus Flight Simmer Streaming Kit ✈️✈️

✈️✈️ Aus Flight Simmer Flight Sim Hardware Kit ✈️✈️


Like the music? ✈️✈️


Welcome to your complete setup guide on how to get you going to play microsoft flight simulator 2020 on multiplayer. We will walk you through the menu settings to get setup quickly.

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DISCLOSURE: We often review or link to products & services we regularly use and think you might find helpful. Wherever possible we use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation.

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