Super Mario Flying Challenges! Don't Stop Flying!! -

Super Mario Flying Challenges! Don’t Stop Flying!!

Blue Television Games
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✪ Get Super Flyin’ 3 here:
Hack by: Alan Jacobs, Russian Man, & BlueFinch
✪ Super Flyin’ is a 1 world microhack. This is a well-tested, experimental-concept hack, and it is fun! What is different about it?
✪ THREE THINGS: Mario can recharge his flight by bopping enemies (idea from Mario Maker). Mario can bop enemies underwater (idea by Alan Jacobs). Mario can continue to hop on Goombas and they will not die (idea by BlueFinch).
These three distinctives make for an interesting game experience. The difficulty climbs very quickly between stages. Can you make it to the end?

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Kirkersville, OH 43033

Super Mario Flying Challenges! Don’t Stop Flying!!
#supermario #retro #challenge