Minecraft | 1.9 FLIGHT MINI-GAME! | Elytra Flying Challenge - gamenightuiuc.com

Minecraft | 1.9 FLIGHT MINI-GAME! | Elytra Flying Challenge

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Title: Laszlo – Closer
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Title: Laszlo – Destination
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Title: Virtual is Where We Live – Approaching Nirvana

Approaching Nirvana – Closer (Instrumental)


  1. I knew someone was going to make a map like this, before I got to finishing mine. grrr

  2. I see the future of server hubs in this minigame

  3. I just want to úse this to spectate factions battles

  4. i like the new tweak that the crosshair is invisible in 2nd and 3rd person mode

  5. This is funny because on level 8 you shouldn't just make that sharp turn but go out a lot more and slowly go up then turn around a lot slower.

  6. Tip: At the end of the level DONT LOOK UP you will slowly start to go downward

  7. Did anyone else instantly think of superman 64

  8. Coming of off Geometry dash… It's extremely easy to me

  9. 8:56 My balls, too are going in a downward direction… :I

  10. best elytra map, the one i got was so terrible, you were in creative, you needed to set your spawnpoint, the rings were too close, and you didnt get the points if you flew through lets say 3 rings 2 blocks apart from each other. im pretty sure thsts a thing in the map XD

  11. best elytra map, the one i got was so terrible, you were in creative, you needed to set your spawnpoint, the rings were too close, and you didnt get the points if you flew through lets say 3 rings 2 blocks apart from each other. im pretty sure thsts a thing in the map XD

  12. Aiming down moves you forward. Aiming up stops you. You need to find a balance of between looking up and down to get enough distance.

  13. is 1.9 out yet and are these vanilla

  14. I hope Mojang will fix the lag problem with this though for me. Every time I place something down or fly in the snapshot, it crashes.

  15. Your'e never going to be as good as Huahwi and way more better players than you. I can see the struggles. Lol

  16. AntVenom how do you keep winning the hunger/survival games? you hacker!

  17. If you guys like Elytra PVP you should check out Faecous's Elytra Faction server Dev. It's in the making 🙂 Search Faecous Elytra on youtube and you'll find it.

  18. Pfft! When this comes out, I'm gonna end up being a crafter (NOT BUILDER HEEEELL NAW xD), miner and a flier ;O;

  19. Omg I just realized the background music is Laszlo!

  20. how to get wings on minecraft i have 1.8.9 is there a up date fore 1.9 ???

  21. I am part of an elite clan of flyers *nerd voice breathes inhailer wanna join my flying clan

  22. am i the only 1 who noticed that talking inventory is spelled "taking inventory" not talking
    —– ——

  23. Wow this is really like Superman 64 because of the whole flying through rings situation


  25. iI love your vids but youR VOICE I DON LIKE IT

  26. you are my bessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssst fan ever

  27. and i love your videos sooooooooooooooo much

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